Action Insights Blog

growth demands a temporary surrender of security - action institute of california - premier psychodrama and personal grown training institute in north san diego county, california - sociometry training

I Feel Deeply…

I change myself, I change the world.”
~ Gloria E. Anzaldua

growth demands a temporary surrender of security - action institute of california - premier psychodrama and personal grown training institute in north san diego county, california - spirituality - doublingI feel deeply…and I’ve come to see that as a gift. At times, it can feel completely overwhelming, such as on days like today, but at other times, I can see how it benefits me tremendously in my work as a psychodramatist, as well as in my personal relationships.

It wasn’t always that way in my life.  Being born into an Irish culture of stoicism, surrounded by a large group of people (being the youngest of 7), there wasn’t a lot of room for deep, deep feeling, and so I was often labeled as “too sensitive”.  I recall an email dialogue I had with my Dad about 15 years ago where he wrote:

Dear Jean:
Either I’m insensitive or you’re too sensitive.
Love, Dad.”

My response…
Dear Dad:
Love, Jean.

With all the electronics that were designed to help us connect more with each other, we’re actually connected far less.  We text and email and IM and post, but we don’t really feel the depth of connection that we long for.  How many times have you seen 2 people sitting at a cafe or coffee shop, and both of them are on their phones sending messages to other people?  Or the only thing they know how to talk about to each other is the pictures or posts they’ve taken or received?  We’re missing out on intimacy – true intimacy – and I don’t mean sex. Ironically, sex can often be a way to avoid emotional and spiritual intimacy because it can be so challenging to tolerate that kind of connection.

I think that’s part of why I haven’t posted a blog in about a week…I’ve been focusing more on my connections – to nature, to people, and most importantly, to myself.

In psychodrama, that’s the goal of the double…to feel into what is going on inside of someone else, and to speak it.  Studies have proven that we are all energy, and when I step into your “psychic space,” I feel you.  And if the relationship is a healthy one, I feel you feeling me, and I feel connected and seen…and at my core, I feel the world is safe and that I’m okay.  Isn’t that what, in our heart of hearts, we all really want?

It’s no surprise that I chose a profession where I help people to feel – physically, emotionally and spiritually – and to come alive and transform the stuck roles in their lives and step forward into new ones.

So take that risk today to change the world, by changing yourself…say hello to someone on the street; make a date to go out and sit down with someone you love and have a talk – a real talk – about you – not work, not school, not Facebook or Twitter or Instagram – but YOU and how you’re feeling…and leave your phone at home.
