Who We Are

black and white photo of hands holding a wooden heart, which is in color


At Action Institute of California, we are committed to using action to effect change, and to creating safe and supportive spaces for leadership, training and personal growth.

We adhere to the highest standards of training, ethics and best practices for those working in the behavioral health, medical, legal or human services field, and we provide a nurturing environment for professionals to learn and practice new psychodrama, sociometry, somatic psychotherapy and trauma resolution skills.  We believe that working in these fields requires us to do our own work, and that if we to continue to grow personally, we can thrive professionally.

As professionals, we are all in the business of helping people – and sometimes, in order to be a better provider, the person we need to help most is ourselves. Moreover, as our careers advance, there are fewer and fewer safe places available to explore our own issues. This is especially true for those working in the recovery community. We are committed to creating a safe space for professionals to do their own work – whether it be dealing with countertransference, recovery, trauma history or issues arising in our present lives allowing us to be more effective when working with others.

Intensives for Individuals or Couples

By having an extended time together (1-4 days), our Personal Growth Intensives can go beyond what weekly 50 minute sessions can do, allowing you to dive deep into your healing journey. Our personal intensives for individuals or couples are customized to meet your specific goals, and by using a variety of psychodrama and somatic therapies, provide a felt sense of release and freedom, as well as healing, so the new behaviors developed can be anchored it into the body for lasting change.

I offer a variety of modalities; psychodrama, sociometry, Psychodramatic Bodywork (for some strange reason, Erin, I can’t get my emojis to come up in email, but there should be a registered trademark here), Somatic Experiencing (please insert another registered trademark here), Transforming Touch (R trademark), Reiki, Positive Psychology (R trademark), and Coaching. Together, we will clarity your goals, clear away what is no longer serving you, and step into a greater sense of freedom, serenity, and joy.


We are committed to providing high quality staff training that will allow your clinical and operations teams to learn effective tools and techniques that they can take directly back into their work with clients.

We are committed to providing effective team building to support your organization to build deeper and more sustainable bonds, learn and implement better communication skills, and work more collaboratively to not only create greater satisfaction at work, but greater productive and prosperity as well.